Save vs. Works Cited or Die

The economic and social history of the early modern period meets Old School Renaissance RPGs. Current projects:
- 3D6 Miscast Shillings™: A BX/BECMI-inspired clone that uses 3d6 rather than 1d20 for attacks, AC, and random rolls; over 1000 real, historical prices for goods, wages, and services; a rewrite of nearly every BX/BECMI/Advanced spell using Neoplatonic/Renaissaince Platonism fluff, and 6 unique ways they can be miscast.
- 6MileHexMapOfEarth™: It’s a hex map of the Earth using hexes (approximately, in a precise and math-y sense of 'approximately') 6 miles across. Euler’s rolling in his grave! We’re not liable if you use these to navigate and end up drowning, injuring yourself, injuring others, or undergoing a financial loss! Their only purpose is for use in games! Do not, under any circumstance, use these for navigation or any other practical purpose!
- The Roleplayer’s Reference Guide to the Early Modern World™, Vol. 1, Anglia, Scotia, et Hibernia. Tables, anecdotes, and scene-setting! Who’s who? What’s where? How much does the farmer make, really? There are how many in the lord's train?! The purpose of this series is to be the go-to reference for those playing and writing adventures set in the early modern period. Subsequent volumes will focus on other parts of the world. Footnotes, endnotes, and works cited the likes of which the Earth has never seen (in an RPG product).